I came home from work quite late and being single you either have a choice if dining in or dining out with the latter being the easier or rationale choice to make if you’re darn hungry or damn lazy. But tonight, I needed to do something to relieve some stress which has been bugging from the moment I stepped into the office this morning.
I would’ve hit the gym, I mean I should start hitting the gym once again and sweat the stress out but unfortunately, I still haven’t gotten my pair of sports shoes and I have yet to shop for my gym pants. so I drove around a bit before stopping by a row of shops intending to just browse some stuff. The browsing didn’t last long because in no time, I had bags of food items bought to stock up my supplies.
Upon reaching home, the nagging stress that needs to be rid off was still ingering, and after a moment of contemplation, I had my body go into auto mode and just let it do whatever it wants. And this time, it wants to cook :).
And so I cooked, nothing fancy… just the standard single guy kind of food choice, but with a twist. Instead of having plain ‘maggi’, I decided to make fried maggi instead…with lots and lots of onions. I was so into the auto mode that i wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing. I tore up 5 packets of maggi, cut up 20 pieces of red onions and opened 3 cans of sardines (frankly I had no idea why the sardines needed to be opened :p). the end result…WASTAGE! Okay, not exactly wasted as I can put the leftovers in the fridge and probably down it all tomorrow evening (if I still have the appetite).
Full and contented, the dishes were simply left in the sink and i went straight to the couch to have a ciggy in the dark. As I was enjoying the sensation of the smoke burning my lungs, which is of course detrimental to my health, I realized that my place is quite..so eerily quite that I could practically hear the gecko jaywalking on the ceiling haha. And then suddenly it came to me that I no longer am stressed out and instead I was at peace with the silence and the absence of another human being in the pad. It was a comforting bliss…
After momentarily basking in the peace and silence, I walked to the fridge, swung its door wide open, took out the half sliced 3kg watermelon and ATE it all in just a matter of minutes…and here I am still contemplating HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO LOSE THIS EXTRA WEIGHT!!
Darn it… :D
tua2 pun pandai stress jg ka..haha....teda stout ba tu...too much of 'taking care of your health' is sometimes not good..let loose.kasi auto mode to perut tuk isi stout..hehe..i cooked today and really happy coz its my fav food...ikan asam pedas..hehehe..
hahaha Wel, mahal bah istout disini...so terpaksa lah sa skali skala enjoy minum disini (tp...itu akan berubah sbb ko sma si clare akan belanja sa tu kan klu sa pi penang?) hahaha
ko pandai masak barang lain selain dari nasi, maggi sma telur? sa kagum owh hahaha. if you're in KL on the 27th, si Daniel ada organize ni bloggers gathering ni di sini :)
Jerryster! Punya byk kau makan! hahaha...sy belanja kau 10crate bir la..amcm? bisuk kau datang sda kan kalau gitu...wakaka si wel buli kasi rasa kau dia punya ikan asam pedas..sedap tau..ekeke
mcm tanda2 depression seja ni...hehehe
bisuk ah hahaha.
owh, ko suda rasa dia punya ikan asam pedas, sa sangsi owh hubungan kamu dua hahahaha :D
sot punya Jerry! hahaha...si Jew pun rasa juga bah..si husky pun....hahhaha
@sweetine: langsung nda hahaha
@claire: nah, tambah sa sangsi haahha
Kau nda tau kah? hahaha
hahaha..apa ko sangsi ni jerryster..haha...kalu ko pajak stout murah tu..haha..asam pedas?haha..pahit manis ko inda mau rasa?haha...oh ya kan..ada sia nampak tu plan si dan..inda dapat la..28th mau p kawin kawan d penang jg..
Aclaire: cuba gia kestau sa hahaha
@wel: wel, nda cukup tpt aisbok sa klu sa pajak tu stout ahhaha. pahit manis, ko cakap pasal tapai kaini? hahaha. firstly, sa nda makan ikan (axceptions of few) and sa nda minum tapai hahahaha
haha..punya sombong inda makan ikan...apa guna ikan kalu inda mau kana makan..hahaha....bkn tapai la...ayam masak stout pahit manis...haha...sepa la suka minum tapai...haha...
jd bila house warming ko kenen..haha...kasi penuh esbox ko stout baru sia datang..haha..
Ihh....mcm si Jew nda makan ikan...memilih oh! ko pun cuba dlu kestau yg kau sangsi tu kunun...ekeke
@Wel: owh, ikan masak stout pahit manis belum lg sa pernah try. tp, klu sa tercium sikit tu bau lansi dia mimang sa reject trus hahaha.
bukan ko minat tapai kaitu? atau ada kita share darah ranau exclusive yg buat kita nda dpt telan tu tapai? hahaha
ok, klu ko sma si claire dtg berdua baru sa kasi stock stout abis tu esbok (dtg lah kamurang sini...sa buring ni hahaha)
@Claire: nasib lah si jew bukan kidal, klu tidak mimang sa punya kembar terpisah masa kena beranak dulu tu haha.
ishh, ko ni..kura2 dlm perahu, pura2 x tau hahhaa. nah, suda sa jelaskan kesangsian sa hahaha
Hahahahaha...tertawaan sja sy mampu la Jerryster..neway si Welster bilang kau sot..hahahahha merepot seja keja..hahaha
hahaha, ko ingat sa mau kawan kamurang kah klu sa bukan sot hahahaha...tu lah ko, merepot jak kerja. nah, trus sa sangsi..napa ko merepot jak sma dia ah? hahahahaha
Hahahahaha....sy mmg suka merepot sama sepa2 pun ba...suda sy merepot jg sama kau tu sy kestau si Wel ckp kau sot..hahahaha
hahaha, xmas kamurang balik kah?
Balik. Jumster.
hmm, sa blm lg confirm owh...kindet tul hahaha
Kindet jg kau ni blm confirm. hahahahahaha...
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