hmmm, come to think of it, the title itself is quite catchy. maybe i should open up another blog by that name right? :D. anyhow, in continuation to my previous post on the same title minus the 'part deux', i did another round of home cooking, single's style haha.
how it came about? well, it started with a text message from my youngest sister asking me to take her out for lunch which coincidentally i haven't had mine yet. but at the last minute, she canceled and i was left with an empty stomach. but no biggie, it's not like i needed someone to have lunch with. the only problem was, i didn't know what and where to eat (yeah, i'm picky...what can i say haha). so i decided i might as well cook...which wasn't quite a good idea when you have no inkling of what exactly that you feel like having, plus, there's nothing in the fridge to cook haha.
so, i hopped into my car, went to Giant and did some grocery shopping, and after awhile of walking not knowing what to get, i ended buying most stuff which may not work out when it comes to culinary preparation hahaha.
how it came about? well, it started with a text message from my youngest sister asking me to take her out for lunch which coincidentally i haven't had mine yet. but at the last minute, she canceled and i was left with an empty stomach. but no biggie, it's not like i needed someone to have lunch with. the only problem was, i didn't know what and where to eat (yeah, i'm picky...what can i say haha). so i decided i might as well cook...which wasn't quite a good idea when you have no inkling of what exactly that you feel like having, plus, there's nothing in the fridge to cook haha.
so, i hopped into my car, went to Giant and did some grocery shopping, and after awhile of walking not knowing what to get, i ended buying most stuff which may not work out when it comes to culinary preparation hahaha.

ok, some of the things that i bought were, a packet of yellow noodles, a tin of campbell's instant soup, carrots, tomatoes, vegetables and shitake mushrooms...which i still have no idea how or what exactly was i going to cook. finally, i decided on these items for my lunch/dinner:

and the end result........................
by the time i was done with all these, i seem to have lost my appetite. one thing about cooking is that, it's no fun when you have to cook for yourself. it's more meaningful if we have someone to share it with. that explains why my ex-housemate would rather eat out everytime i decline his offer to cook something haha.
cheers! :D
Bawang-bawangan nya mana? nda kelihatan..hahaha mesti juga ada tu stout oh kan..confirm ada sja stock ni d esbok kau..gud gud...hehe so?sadap la? hahaha
haha, malas sa putung tu bawang...kin banyak kerja hahaha. walaupun xda bawang, mimang masih sadap jg bah...langsung xda pakai ajinomoto atau garam hahahaha.
tu stout ada extra bah memandangkan ni ari cuti jadi sa minum lah haha
haha...berapa crate stout ko bili ni..haha...stout lg byk dari mknan ni kan..haha..
sadap ni pusas ko..hehe
haha, satu dua butul jak bah sa kin stok, ko ni hahaha.
bikin pusas kunun :)
itu stout ba yg bkin sdap tu makanan kan...hehe. tp btul ba x sdap makan masakan sendiri....mngkin sbb terbyang2 masa dia raw...
wakakaka, mangkalilah tu sweetie hahaha
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