imagine a wall, a sturdy wall which has been built along the years...a wall without any cracks and a perfect barrier from any invaders...
then one fine day, the wall fell apart because one insignificant brick wanted to see more of what's on the other side of the crumbled slowly at first before all of it came crashing down and the only thing that's left is the base which once held everything together. imagine that..a wall which practically took a lifetime to build was destroyed in just a short time.
after much struggle of trying to rebuild what was destroyed, each brick finally came together to form the once proud protective barrier, but something is just isn't right. even with the new and improved form, there's that same brick which keeps falling down as if saying 'there might still be hope cos once i do decide to be in place, all will be lost for good'...
so there lay the brick on the ground, losing hope as days go by. it's just a matter of time until the brick settles in its place and the wall is finally complete.. and nothing else can get through ever again, creating a world of total bliss in pure ignorance and a perfect barrier from the harsh reality of the other side of the wall...
for the time being, the incomplete wall would have to wait patiently and look down with mixed emotions at the solitary brick until it finally decides to return and fill up the gaping hole...
until then...there's still hope...
ps: wat can i say...i just think too much hahaha
ciao peeps..and goodnight...
then one fine day, the wall fell apart because one insignificant brick wanted to see more of what's on the other side of the crumbled slowly at first before all of it came crashing down and the only thing that's left is the base which once held everything together. imagine that..a wall which practically took a lifetime to build was destroyed in just a short time.
after much struggle of trying to rebuild what was destroyed, each brick finally came together to form the once proud protective barrier, but something is just isn't right. even with the new and improved form, there's that same brick which keeps falling down as if saying 'there might still be hope cos once i do decide to be in place, all will be lost for good'...
so there lay the brick on the ground, losing hope as days go by. it's just a matter of time until the brick settles in its place and the wall is finally complete.. and nothing else can get through ever again, creating a world of total bliss in pure ignorance and a perfect barrier from the harsh reality of the other side of the wall...
for the time being, the incomplete wall would have to wait patiently and look down with mixed emotions at the solitary brick until it finally decides to return and fill up the gaping hole...
until then...there's still hope...
ps: wat can i say...i just think too much hahaha
ciao peeps..and goodnight...
mmm.......;) just let go of it.. watever it is..
suda bah hehe
heran jg tu brick..suda melakat kana simen pun masi pandai jatuh kunun..inda logik ni..sia mau kanal sama tu brick...suda ko kasi simen dia balik ka jerry..haha
tengah cuba kasi simen lah ni..lama2 melekat juga hehehe
my most beloved ex [whom i was attached to for 3 years], used to say this to me, "yayang, why do u keep on pushing me whenever i reached the peak of the mountain?"...
p/s yes, he called me yayang, AND it's NOT that corny k... hahaha!
dude, it is corny (like i'm to say hahaha)!! yeah, why ah riq? why did you push him? hahaha
coz he's short and cuddly... senang kana push... matila if kana baca ni... BUT i doubt it... hahaha!
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