....currently feeling a bit drowsy like he just came out from the ocean with the salt water still lodged somewhere in his head and throat so parched and lips so dry he could've been diagnosed as being extremely dehydrated :P....
ps: damn it, throbbing headaches sucks!! might probably grab a book before hitting the sack early..hmmm :). and this just in: 'berkuatkuasa serta-merta, sekatan ke atas semua blog dan laman web di tarik balik'. there might be an ulterior motive here, so wait for the news tomorrow hehehe.

a water lover and natural born swimmer with a phobia of deep and colored waters...STOP STARING AT MY FAT!!! hahaha
goodnite peeps :)...
mo kana kiss kalau sakit kepala..berkesan kunun kasi hilang...tia tau la..haha alasan sja kali org buat tu mo kana kiss..hahha
susa tu claire...nanti sa jadi katak tu kalau silap urang yg kiss hahaha
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