What you should do:
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
5) Tag 10 people to do this

okeh, malas sa mau ambik gambar banyak2 hahaha, my vanity is still at a safe level hahaha. as for the tagging other people part, i'm gonna skip it :)
ps: 2&3 tag out of 3 :P
Wah. Hensem :D
napa kau pny pipi ke 'chubby2' an ni? comel o..ekekke
haha, you ladies...shucks *blushing* hehehe
"my vanity is still at a safe level" <-- LOL!
hahahaha...ko nie Jacq. putung stim owh btul hahaha
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