anyhow, not really in the mood for work..i would've applied for a full day's leave if it weren't for the piled up paperworks and tasks i haven't completed yet. hey, am not really complaining..i kinda like what i'm doing but there are just some days when you wish you could just stay home and do the things you wanna do without anyone nagging or anything to pull you back :). yeah, i'm having one of those days right now...
as i am doing this entry, my departmental director, who is right across me thinks that i'm hard at work doing my follow ups and the things she asked me to do when in fact i'm busy updating my blog hehe. just thinking about the workloads can be so demotivating, least am not wasting time chatting on YM or msn :).
with the clutters on both my working stations...i can't seem to concentrate well with my own work. i know i should clear it all up before leaving the office, but with everything that's been going on lately, i just dont have the time to do so (yeah, i know..excuses excuses hehehe). anyway, lemme share with you how my current workspace looks like hehe..

area overview

work stations
my comfort foods (that explains the weight gain..sheesshh...). yeah, those are ferrero roches hehe
ciao peeps :)
ui J! punya banyak makanan ko skrang!!!kana susun canik2 lg tu. dari mana ko dapat suma tu..... ooo ko kc tapuk pula suma tu makanan dulu!!! hahahaa...
samak meja2 ko tu... odoi kcian gia.. hehe.
blm pernah sa kasi tapuk makanan dari ko kamaa hahaha.
ya bah zer, samak oo butul..tu lah ko jalan meninggalkan daku. jan lah ko sambung blajar tu, balik lah tulung sa disini hehehe
wei sia ingat drawer ppuan sj yg penuh sama ni tidbits...rupa2 nya msh ada lagi spesies yg lain. bah, surung2 la tuh coklat ka, itu gula2 ka, sia tau ko nda buli habis punya... thanks in advance k..
buli bah kalu ko :). bah, marilah datang pi opis, kita berpiknik coklat hehehe
if im ur colleague.. sia slalu pi visit tempat ko tu.. tunjuk muka lapar...
deii...kalu ko anytime sa welcome kasi abis tu makanan...mungkin ada secret ingredient for your....hmmm...ermmm...growth hehehe (abislah sa kana sue nie hehehe)
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