As you can see, i've just changed my new layout page. i might not stick to this though as i'm still on the lookout for the best possible choice :). the previous layout was 'fine'...but i was in the mood for something simple and with a header i can change from time to time..hmmm, maybe my request is a bit too much eh :).
today seem to be a very good day for me, as of my previous post, the frequent coincidences hasn't diminished the least. in fact, i think i am getting the hang of it and loving it :).
a few days ago, i got hold of a new book by one of my favourite author and i've only gone through it a few pages. and today, while i was with the BBC filming crew, i happen to recognize a face which appeared vaguely familiar (i have this thing with remembering faces but not names :p) and it bugged me a whole lot. towards the end of their filming stint..i had a short chat with my GM and i told him that one of the guys looked familiar and that was when he told me who the guy was. yeah, today i met up with Stephen Fry, the author of several bestsellers and i've read two of his books (the current possession is my third :p)! i'm a geek aren't i? hehehe

few days ago, my Director informed me of a very good news, apparently my promotion would be sooner than what i had expected (all i can say is...ABOUT TIME!) hehe :). prior to that, i've been thinking alot about getting promoted or maybe move to somewhere promising and it was just weird to be told of something you were thinking about :).
maybe i should start thinking about something else, probably the jackpot or a new car...hehehe is good. ciao peeps :)
today seem to be a very good day for me, as of my previous post, the frequent coincidences hasn't diminished the least. in fact, i think i am getting the hang of it and loving it :).
a few days ago, i got hold of a new book by one of my favourite author and i've only gone through it a few pages. and today, while i was with the BBC filming crew, i happen to recognize a face which appeared vaguely familiar (i have this thing with remembering faces but not names :p) and it bugged me a whole lot. towards the end of their filming stint..i had a short chat with my GM and i told him that one of the guys looked familiar and that was when he told me who the guy was. yeah, today i met up with Stephen Fry, the author of several bestsellers and i've read two of his books (the current possession is my third :p)! i'm a geek aren't i? hehehe
maybe i should start thinking about something else, probably the jackpot or a new car...hehehe is good. ciao peeps :)
This is what we call THE LAW OF ATTRACTION...go read THE SECRET ....:)
By the way, about the time go kana promote....and for being that close some more dpt autograph dia...perrgghhh...DAMN COOL jugalah...
pa jg derang buat sana tuh?
law of attraction? si Kalle pun balik2 suruh sa go through tu barang few week ago. pa tu barang?
owh yess...trus mampu suda sa pi travelling slalu (tingu brapa increment dia duluan lah hehe). as for the author, he was doing a documentary sini hotel bah tu :P
Well done on the promotion! And that autographed book is cooool...Unfortch I dunno who is he la but if i had one of my favourite writers in town, i'd be excited too!
Bah mau celebrate la ni.
mel...celebratino will have to be put on hold until i get the black & white, you know how bossess are :)
you should google who he is...i just knew he's a comedian as well haha
shet. law of attraction. kawan sa pn baru2 ckp psl tu brg. i should go check it out too.
btw, congrats for the signature. and itu promotion. akhirnya. hahaha
tenkiu tenkiu :)
hensem ba kau jerry....keke
juling kali ko ni sweetie hehehe but thanks :)
Duude! How lucky are you? Stephen Fry was great in Peter's Friends and you should check out Jeeves & Wooster. He's in that show with Hugh Lawrie. Good stuff :)
lemme brag abt it first....VERY LUCKY Shan hahahahaha.
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